Rejali Medical

Rejali Medical

Patient Story 1

First video shows the hairline before the FUE procedure ,second video shows the results just 5 minths after the procedure and thirs picture shows the grafts after the procedure

Patient Story 2

The first picture shows when Dr.Rejali is working on hairline ,second picture is just after the FUE procedure by Dr.Rejali,and third and fourth picture are 6 months after the procedure

Patient Story 3

Before and after FUE hair transplant ,patient in first session requested small number of grafts because he wanted to make sure the grafts will grow ,so Dr.Rejali decided to do two procedures with the interval of 7 months so patient can see the growth of first session and then he performs the second procedure to reach out the best density ,first procedure was done with 1150 grafts and second procedure with 1690 grafts ,first video is related to day after secodn procedure ,second picture is the grafts immedately after second procedure and third and fourth pictures show the results 9 months after second FUE .